1. english


In Beethoven's opinion Cherubini was one of the best composers of his time.
From Cherubini's greatest success, the opera "Les deux Journées ou Le Porteur d'eau" (in German: "Der Wasserträger" oder auch "Graf Armand oder die Tage der Gefahr") Beethoven copied some details in preparations of his own "Leonore / Fidelio".
Cherubini's opera was staged in Vienna 1802 simultaneously by two competing theatres, with great success for both institutions.
The German translation was by Georg Friedrich Treitschke, at this time stage director at the k.k. Hoftheater. Later Treitschke was managing director of the Theater an der Wien, and became famous for his libretto of Beethoven's final version of "Fidelio" (1814).
Here is a single number from the Cherubini vocal score of the Hoftheater-Musik-Verlag (Vienna) and a complete vocal score from Leipzig from the same year:

Cherubini as composer, music editor, and arranged.